How to Choose the Right Budgies Cage 

How to Choose the Right Budgies Cage 
How to Choose the Right Budgies Cage 

Budgies Cage 

Housing is a vital aspect of raising a healthy and happy Budgie, and although these birds are small, they still need plenty of space to fly, hop, and play in. There are so many bird cages available in stores and online, many of which are not ideally suited to keeping Budgies, and the variety of options can quickly become confusing. Since your Budgie will be spending the majority of their life in their cage, you’ll want it to be the perfect size to ensure their happiness.

In this article, we’ll take a look at the steps involved in choosing the perfect cage size for your feathered friend. Let’s get started!

Before you start

It’s important to note that Budgies are playful, acrobatic, and active little birds that need plenty of space to exercise their natural instincts. Not only that, but the cage you choose also needs to have appropriate space for all the required accessories, including perches, swings, ladders, and ropes. Remember that most of the time, your cage will be housing two or more Budgies (they should ideally live in pairs or more), so this needs to taken into account when sizing their cage.

Also, unlike many other parrot species, Budgies prefer horizontal space rather than vertical cages suited to larger parrots. This is because they get most of their exercise from flying around, and a tall, narrow cage is not ideally suited to these active little birds.

Step 1 — Minimum size requirements

The standard size of cage for a single Budgie is 12x18x18 inches, but bigger is always better. When accounting for two birds, you’ll need to more than double this size to account for the extra toys and flying space needed. This minimum size is also only suitable if your Budgie is tame and out of its cage frequently. If your Budgie spends most of the time inside its cage, this is much too small for a happy bird.

Bigger is always better, and since your cage is such a long-term investment that is likely to last for decades, the best advice to purchase the biggest possible cage that you can afford, no matter the number of Budgies that you intend to keep.

Step 2 — Safety

Naturally, safety is an essential aspect of choosing the right cage for your Budgie. Not all bird cages available are suitable for Budgies, as these small birds may easily escape through bars that are too widely spaced. We recommend purchasing a cage that is specifically designed for Budgies so you can be sure that it is escape proof. A wire cage is best because it is chew-proof, and the spacing between bars should be no more than ½ an inch apart to prevent them squeezing through — or getting trapped attempting to squeeze through!

Make sure the bars all run parallel, as your Budgie may get injured sliding down bars that converge, and make sure there are no sharp points or edges around. Also, check the door opening mechanism: Budgies are clever and can quickly learn to open a cage door. Make sure the door can be locked easily. Lastly, the cage should be free from any toxic materials, as Budgies love to chew!

Step 3 — Location and Accessibility

The space in your home where your Budgie cage will be located is an often-overlooked aspect when buying a cage. The cage should be easy to move and easy to clean, with easily accessible points for removing water and food bowls, bedding, and toys. The placement of your Budgie cage is important. The area should be well-ventilated and in a room that is easily temperature-controlled and away from direct sunlight. Also, it should be in a safe location not accessible to other household pets, such as cats! Lastly, you’ll want your Budgies to be a part of your daily life and as close to your family as possible for good socialization.

Deciding where your Budgie cage is to be located before purchasing is a great idea to prevent buying a cage that is too large to move or difficult to clean.

Step 4 — Accessories

Apart from the basics, like cage liners and food and water bowls, you need to take into account the various accessories that your Budgie will need, including toys, ladders, and perches. Make sure they have plenty of variation in sizes in the perches and ladders to exercise different parts of their feet, and try to swap these around every few months or so to prevent boredom.

You may also want to hang a swing or toy in the cage. The more Budgies you have, the more space you’ll naturally need for these accessories. When choosing the right cage size for your Budgies, it is vital to take into account these small but necessary accessories, as these items are an essential part of having a healthy Budgie and can quickly take up a great deal of space. Again, bigger is always better.

Final Thoughts

Choosing the correct sized cage for your Budgie is a vital part of their health and happiness, especially if they spend the majority of their time inside this cage. They are active birds that need plenty of space to fly, hop, and play, and without this, you will swiftly have unhappy birds on your hands. Go for the biggest cage that you can afford, and be sure to not overcrowd this cage with too many birds or accessories. Hopefully, this short guide has helped you choose the right size cage for your feathered friend!

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